Five Tips to Heat Up Cold Calling and Overcome Call Reluctance: Conclusion


By Todd Duncan

As we address the final steps to heating up cold calls and overcoming call reluctance, there’s one more thing to be said before we move on. If you’ve ever learned a new language, you know one thing to be true: if you don’t speak the language regularly, you lose it. You don’t remain fluent in any language unless you continue to use it in everyday conversation. And the same is true of the language of trust.

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Five Tips to Heat Up Cold Calling and Overcome Call Reluctance: Part One


By Todd Duncan

When it comes to training for true sales success, it’s really a matter of learning the language of selling as opposed to learning clever selling lines. To close sales in an effective manner with out call reluctance or cold calling, you must communicate in the language that is most easily under by your prospects and clients, and that language is trust. There is no better path to a sale than to communicate trustworthiness to your prospects and clients.

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Generation WHY?: Managing, Partnering with and Marketing to Millennials


By Jonathan Rogers

Born between 1982 and 2000, there are about 32 million Millennials in the US workforce, and more keep coming. Ignore them at your peril! By knowing these key traits you will begin to understand this generation and have more successful relationships with this young—but influential—group. Small adjustments can have a big impact!

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Closing the Sale Without Begging: Part Two


By Todd Duncan

In part one of Closing The Sale Without Begging, we discussed the first two steps of how to close a sale by earning your customer’s trust.

Step 1. Be Original: Say something new.

Step 2. Be The First To Add Value: Adding value is the key to closing the sale in any industry.

To close a sale effectively our actions must lead to buy-in first. If your prospects don’t trust you, they will remain reluctant to buy from you no matter how many times you ask for their business. It’s simple: buy-in must come first or you will have to beg to close a sale. And handouts are no way to earn a living, especially when you don’t have to. Now onto step 3 of Closing the Sale Without Begging.

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Closing the Sale Without Begging: Part One


By Todd Duncan

Every salesperson has made the fatal mistake of trying to close the sale without first earning a customer’s trust. Asking for a prospects’ business without out an ounce of indication that they are ready to buy from you is just looking for a handout. It’s petitioning for a sale without earning your prospects’ vote and then, like a spoiled six year old, complaining that you didn’t get what you wanted when your prospect says no. If that becomes your way of doing business, you’ll end up begging for more than sales. You’ll end up begging your boss for your job.

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The 7 Steps to Hire and Train an Asset Assistant


By Daniel Harkavy

“I don’t have time to meet with my partners, to write the thank you notes, to follow up with my most valuable clients, or to implement our new status campaign!  I am just too busy.” Do any of these challenges sound familiar to you?  One of the most common struggles experienced in the life of a producer is filling their day with High Payoff Activities (HPOA). They spend too much of their time in reactive and Low Payoff Activities (LPOA).  I would say that our coaches work on this one area with nearly 100% of our clients.  We see the most dramatic increases in one's production and income when they truly master utilizing an assistant or team of assistants.

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Relationships Must Be Essential


By Todd Duncan

The Law of the Courtships says that for a sales relationship to work on the outside, it must first be right in the inside. In other words, to build loyal, lasting relationships with your clients, you must take the time to know them, not just know about them. And you must let them know you.

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Staying In Control


By Todd Duncan

Have you ever tried to have a perfect day and it didn’t work out as you planned it? The good news is that if you can visualize a perfect day, you can make it happen. But you may have to change the way you think. First and foremost, you need to understand that event management, not time management, is the critical factor for creating the perfect day.

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