77 Life Lessons From Sales Professionals


By Todd Duncan

Life balance in my mind is the single most important thing that a sales professional can achieve. With that being said, I've compiled a list of life lessons from top producing sales professionals that I've mentored to share with you. My hope is that they cause you to think differently about your business and your life. These are great lessons that can help you change your choices, because when we change our choices, we can change our life.

1. Good wives and husbands are hard to find, take care of the one you have. A softer spirit creates a stronger home.

2. Bury the past. Pent up resentment ruins a relationship.

3. If you want your kids to soar you’ve got to lift them up.

4. Nothing that money can buy is worth more than what the heart can provide.

5. Focus on what’s important. Life is too short to do things that aren’t.

6. Be a superhero to your children.

7. You’re only as good as the people who surround you.

8. Don’t be a hemorrhoid in others lives.

9. It is possible to change old habits in your life.

10. Master the discipline of change and all things become easier.

11. Days off improve your net worth.

12. What gets rewarded gets done.

13. What gets measured gets done.

14. Power comes from not trying to achieve it.

15. Without leadership, your people will go astray.

16. Money won't keep unhappy employees if they don’t like the environment or their boss.

17. You can’t get the behavior you want out of people if you criticize them. Praise them and they will respond.

18. You can’t make everyone happy, trying to do so clouds your judgment.

19. Your belief systems are critical to your success.

20. Take your vacations.

21. Don’t neglect your friends.

22. Challenges are short term growth spurts which fuel long term success.

23. Never compromise when you know what you want.

24. Recruiting is not an event, it is a process.

25. Go with your gifts – they’ll take you further in life and in business.

26. Direction is more important than perfection.

27. The vows you made to your spouse yesterday need to be kept today.

28. Don’t leave magical moments to chance, make them a choice.

29. Tell your spouse that they’re amazing.

30. Make sure your vision feeds your heart and stirs your soul.

31. Over management can kill your dream. Release the brakes.

32. Balance is not an accident.

33. Delegate more, plan more, travel more, learn more and dream more.

34. Make decisions that feed your harmony and peace.

35. Inner peace is most important in how you go through life.

36. Plan your years with your spouse rather than for your spouse. Don’t leave them on the sidelines.

37. Strengthen your strengths.

38. Minimum effort for maximum impact.

39. Your office should never become your home.

40. You’ll lose steam if you get involved in areas that don’t interest you.

41. Everything can change in an instant.

42. Your success depends on whom you attract.

43. Excellence is reserved for the few.

44. The limits of success are still untested.

45. Saying “no” can be the best service or the most loving thing you do for someone.

46. Your team grows the most when you’re out of the office.

47. Fear of confrontation can kill a relationship.

48. You grow the most during the worst times of your life.

49. Gather critical information and proceed with overwhelming force.

50. Do what’s best for who you love.

51. Fortunes come and go, but families last forever.

52. Going from head to heart removes the suspicion of wrong motives.

53. Don’t miss the special moments because they won’t ever develop again.

54. Be an inspiration for your family, for your team, and for your clients.

55. Life is short – you never know when the game will change.

56. A life plan is a document that determines your destiny daily.

57. If you don’t know what you want you may get something you don’t.

58. Ask your team what you should never do again.

59. Cocoon your relationships.

60. If you want something more, be more to the relationship you want more from.

61. Give more of everything – money, time and love.

63. Plant your seeds today to insure your harvest tomorrow.

64. Run to win in every area of your life.

65. Relationships won’t grow if they are not a priority.

66. All good things aspired for require discipline.

67. Make sacrifices in relationships today to secure them tomorrow.

68. Vacations don’t happen unless they allow you to vacate.

69. Ask your mate for input and listen.

70. Learn in advance of the need.

71. Unconditional love feeds the soul.

72. Daily greetings must be huge and good-byes can never be rushed.

73. We will create for our kids what we model in our life.

74. Build a team of strength to help you carry the weight of success.

75. Clearer expectations create cleaner performance.

76. Always focus on the value – give it away.

77. The simple things are still the best things and that will never change.

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